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** ——— **
NEWS RELEASE InTrec Software, Inc. July 19, 1996
For Immediate Release:
ProTERM Mac 1.2 Upgrade -- The best ever!
What our customer’s are saying.
The following group of unsolicited comments were made by users so impressed, they’re spreading the word:
“Whether your telecommunications needs involve simply logging on to online services and various BBSs or you have sophisticated, complex scripting requirements in mind, you should definitely consider ProTerm for handling your communications chores.”
— Gene Steinberg
Macworld, July 1995 (Four Star Review)
“I use ProTERM Mac exclusively to create and maintain Internet WWW sites and handle all HTML coding. I’ve created a custom set of ProTERM macros which allow me to insert HTML code strings to the files with simple keystrokes.
ProTERM Mac is the BEST telecom application available!”
--Derek Cline, President
Digital Creations Design
“ProTERM [Mac] is too good of an application to go unnoticed to the world. I believe =EVERY= Mac telecommunicator should be using ProTERM.”
--Mark Mentovai — mark@moxienet.com
Long Island Information, Inc., Support Staff — Macintosh Specialist
“ProTERM just has to be the FASTEST software I own!”
— Eric Mueller
Syndicomm, Inc.
“ProTERM is the ‘best’ comm program for the MAC! The speed difference between this and other programs is amazing!”
— Rodney Haydon
“My WOWs continue. The Mac package arrived and it looks really nice! The manual, as usual, is the “handbook” on how to use a modem, scripting language, etc.”
— Terrell Smith”
“ProTERM Mac has given me a new world of communications! This program is SUPER! It’s got to be the best and most convenient program around!
I hate typical computer manuals because they are written in ‘space’ language. This manual is probably the best written manual I have ever read. You really have to get the word out about this product!
Good Luck — ProTERM is the greatest!”
— Robert Klitz
“I just received ProTERM and I love it! When you combine the overall high quality of ProTERM its power and ease of use, with your excellent customer service and support, it’s obvious to me that ProTERM for Mac will be dominating this market in the very near future.”
— Robert J. Roehner
"With its [ProTERM Mac’s] powerful and extensive scripting language (over 150 built-in functions covering everything from arrays to window frames), ProTERM can be extended to a degree normally reserved for programming languages like C or Pascal. Apple events, Finder attributes, Gestalt, text selections, and more are all within reach, and you can create your own custom functions as well. A progress bar object can even be added into custom-built windows! ProTERM's DIRC language is powerful, yet easy to learn -- I was writing function libraries within 20 minutes of opening the package."
-- Walter Ian Kaye ("Boodlums") <ptm2@natural-innovations.com>
“ProTERM Mac is the ideal software for newspaper reporters and other writers who need to produce and edit stories quickly and then send them effortlessly into your paper's computer system. A few keystrokes get you started in the Editor mode, where keyboard macros get you around your completed document swiftly and easily. At any point in writing, the Character Count function tells you exactly how much you've written, so it's easy to write to the column inch.
After you've written and saved your story, a click on the mouse or a single keyboard stroke calls up your newspaper's computer, zips through the logon process, and gets you ready to send the story to your editor or the copy desk.
As a critic and reporter, making deadlines is crucial, and I appreciate the speed and ease of using ProTERM. I've tried a lot of other software. Nothing else combines the story-writing and telecommunications functions so well and uses the Mac's capabilities so fully. The manual, which includes a quick-start “Cheat Sheet,” is written in real English, not computerese, so it's intelligible whether you're a techno-wimp or a cyberstar. I recommend it enthusiastically.”
— Melinda Bargreen
Seattle Times music critic and arts columnist
Let us know how ProTERM works for you.
InTrec Software, Inc. Sales ___________________ Tech ______
3035 E Topaz Circle 1888/PROTERM tollfree USA Voc:602/992-1345
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423 602/992-5515 outside USA BBS:602/992-9789